Two-hole or Multi-hole, oval, or 'binocular' shaped devices.

Download Entire Ferrite
Technical Data and

Download just the Balun multi-aperture data sheet in .PDF

Download drawing in .PDF

Part Numbering : B-2302-43
B= Balun Core
2302= Dimension
43= Ferrite Material Type

AL( nH/Sq N) is the Al value. Required turn = square root of ( desired 'L' in nH / 'AL' in nh/SqN)
CWS ByteMark Part Number is the part number to use to place your purchase order
Please download the pdf file for this balun core to see the dimension designators for A, B, C, D, E, F, etc

Material is the Ferrite material designator where you can look up its properties at www.bytemark.com
U is the Permeability of the materials

Need help with your design ??. Please visit: www.coilws.com
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Note: Please call to check on price and availability for other sizes and materials.