setItems( $_SESSION['items'] ); } $items = $basket->getItems(); $disableEditing = true; // doesn't display UPDATE or REMOVE button $file_loc = 'viewcart_content.php'; include( '' ); // $subTotal already contains Total of all the items in the shopping cart, calculated inside viewcart_content.php ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function redirect2($to) { //header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found"); // header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: $to"); exit(); } if( $_POST['action'] == 'post' || $_GET['action'] == 'post' ) { // send mail to sales... $_GET is for after PayPal, it returns to GET method. //if( $_POST['email'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == "" ) { $shipping = 0; if( $_POST['country'] == 'United States' || $_POST['country'] == 'USA' ) { $shipping = 5; } elseif( $_POST['country'] == 'Canada' || $_POST['country'] == 'Mexico' ) { $shipping = 8; // $8.00 up to 2 lb } else { $shipping = 15; } if( $_POST['hiddensubmit'] == 'COD' ) { $COD = 'Yes'; $shipping += 6; // $6.00 extra for COD order } $tax = ToCurr( 0 ); $taxDescription = 'CA Tax 7.75%'; if( strtolower( $_POST['state'] ) == 'ca' || strtolower( $_POST['state'] ) == 'california' ) { $tax = ToCurr( $subTotal * .0775 ); // California Tax Rate as of 3/24/2004 : 7.75% == 0.0775 } $shipping = ToCurr( $shipping ); $grandTotal = ToCurr( $subTotal + $tax + $shipping ); $subTotal = ToCurr( $subTotal ); // now store this in Hash Array so we can pass as a function parameter $hTotal = array( 'subTotal' => $subTotal, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'tax' => $tax, 'taxDescription' => $taxDescription, 'grandTotal' => $grandTotal ); if( $_POST['hiddensubmit'] == 'Paypal' ) { // user clicked on paypal, so redirect user to paypal page! $OrderID = CreateXMLAndSaveToDB( $config->connParam, $config->site, $hTotal, $xml_data ); $ExtraOrderID = date("Ymd"); if( $tax > 0 ) { // if there's tax $itemNumber = "Order ID: $ExtraOrderID-$OrderID, $totalItemCount Item(s), $taxDescription=$tax Total=$grandTotal"; } else { $itemNumber = "Order ID: $ExtraOrderID-$OrderID, $totalItemCount Item(s), (Tax-Exempt) Total=$grandTotal"; } $hPaypal = array( 'cmd' => '_xclick', 'business' => '', 'item_name' => $config->site . " Order #$ExtraOrderID-$OrderID ($totalItemCount item(s), Shipping=(to be determined)" . ')' ,'item_number' => $itemNumber // $totalItemCount is calculated from viewcart_content.php ,'amount' => $grandTotal ,'no_shipping' => '0' ,'return' => "$OrderID&paypal=A&S=$shipping&ST=$subTotal&T=$tax&E=" . urlencode( $_POST['email'] ) . '&Secure=yes' ,'cancel_return' => '' ,'currency_code' => 'USD' ,'lc' => 'US' ); foreach( $hPaypal as $key => $value ) { $url .= urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; } redirect2('' . $url); } else { // regular user submit by supplying Credit Card in the site $OrderID = CreateXMLAndSaveToDB( $config->connParam, $config->site, $hTotal, $xml_data ); } require_once( 'lib/email_func.php' ); if( $_POST['hiddensubmit'] == 'COD' ) { SendOrderViaEmail($config->smtp_server, $_POST['email'], $config->salesEmail, "[ORDER - COD] $config->site - Order #$OrderID" , $OrderID, $hTotal, $content, $xml_data , "\nThis Order is C.O.D. Order.\n"); // Now send confirmation to the customer SendOrderViaEmail($config->smtp_server, $config->salesEmail, $_POST['email'], "$config->site - Order #$OrderID Confirmation" , $OrderID, $hTotal, $content, '' , "\nThis Order is C.O.D. Order.\n"); } else { SendOrderViaEmail($config->smtp_server, $_POST['email'], $config->salesEmail, "[ORDER - CC] $config->site - Order #$OrderID" , $OrderID, $hTotal, $content, $xml_data); // Now send confirmation to the customer SendOrderViaEmail($config->smtp_server, $config->salesEmail, $_POST['email'], "$config->site - Order #$OrderID Confirmation" , $OrderID, $hTotal, $content); } $basket->removeAll(); // empty shopping cart! $_SESSION['items'] = null; $items = $basket->getItems(); redirect ("checkout_ok.php"); } ?> shopping cart
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Payment Options ( Visa/MC/Amex/Discover, COD or PayPal)

Use either (Visa/MC/Amex/Discover)
Credit Card Number: Exp (mm/yy)
or (COD- For USA and CANADA only) $7.50 will be added for COD fees
(Collect On Delivery)
or (Paypal) Please press PROCCED TO CHECK OUT after filing up PayPal form below. Click link here for more instructions
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List Of Items Purchased


Telephone: (714) 279 9010
Method of Payment: Visa/Mastercard/AMEX/Discover/COD/PayPal
The credit card information you provided here is secured.
This secure site is provided through Verisign Secure Site

Foreign Orders: Payments must be made with order. U.S. funds only.
Shipping Charges will be added on or charged separately.
The amount will depend on the weight and courier selected
Handling Charge: $5.00 United States,Canada/Mexico. $8.00 elsewhere
**COD: Add $7.50 COD Fees + freight cost. Available in U.S. and Canada ONLY.
All prices and availabilities are subject to change without notice.
Minimum Order quantity is $10.00
If you are in the area, please stop by to visit & pick up some toroids, beads, etc.